Welcome to the scientific research page @ The Section of Pharmacology, Department of Experimental Medicine, University of Perugia"The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge."Thomas BergerWelcome to the Section of Pharmacology's scientific research division. Listed below arelinks to various scientific research projects and publications. Students, who are new to theworld of scientific inquiry, may want to read the introductory article "What is Science?" This article explains how scientific research is conducted and used to gain an understanding ofthe world around us. An understanding of the methods of scientific research is also helpfulwhen one is conducting or reading research in areas outside of science. Students ofPharmacology must increasingly be aware of the ramifications of scientific research asscientific inquiry continues to increase its sphere of influence upon our lives.Scientific research has made many significant changes in the way we live our daily lives.Through technology, applied scientific inquiry has brought to us the host of gadgets we useevery. Scientific inquiry is often the driving force behind national and international politicalpolicy. And more fundamentally, scientific inquiry sets the philosophical tone of our culture. With this in mind, leisdt.com endeavors to present articles that will help shape the future ofscientific inquiry and knowledge worldwide. To read an article simply click on it's title.